
Friday, August 6, 2010

Required Reading: Storage 101

Over the past few months, I've collected links that I felt were good information for people who are new to storage networking or interested in storage networking as a field.  I consider these resources to be some of the best writing available on storage, both for fundamentals and for architecture.
Any good resources I missed? Link to them in the comments!


Chuck Hollis said...

Nice to see you rounding up some of the better foundational posts out there on the web.

I've got two more posts along these lines that I'm always asked for.

One discusses the basics of storage caching:

The other discusses the different approaches to managing storage in enterprises large and small:

Hope people find them useful ...

-- Chuck

Unknown said...

I like this post! Very good idea to have it sumed up for newbies. Trying to find quality posts via google would take hrs or longer.

DrDedupe said...

Hi Matt,

Thanks for giving my book a mention. I've set up a companion site for folks to voice opinions about trends in data storage evolution and have also set up a searchable reference library. I'll add your required reading to the library-
